Email: amytsoftball@gmail.com
Candidate Biography and Application
1. What is it about the Board position you would like to hold that most interests you in running for office?
Commissioner. I came into the role of acting Commissioner this Spring, starting in February. The last four months I have spent the time bringing clear communication, transparency and consistency to the board and to the league. I have been committed to evolving how we operate (virtual meetings, online forms), transparency in board activities (treasurer back-fill and budget needs), clear communication (game week eligible player lists, early date/deadline announcements, rainout policy) and more.
The opportunity to continue to build on what I’ve started is exciting. This position has a lot of moving pieces and I believe it’s critical to have an understanding of how our entire organization works to not only ensure we have uninterrupted future seasons but also to improve what those future seasons are like, in player experience and offerings. I’m up for the challenge and eager to see what we can do
2. How will you contribute to the Board as a whole if elected?
If elected I will drive our organization towards improved processes, increase transparency, and ensure compliance with our national organizations IPS & ASANA, USA Softball, and ensure we take the proper steps to return to the correct non-profit status (501c3).
The position of commissioner requires knowledge of the organization as a whole. Having served in multiple board positions and having experience with both IPS and ASANA, I can ensure a big picture understanding of Softball Austin’s needs now and in the future.
3. Please list other volunteer commitments you have at this time.
I also currently serve as the ASANA IOG Committee Chair and Parliamentarian.
Summarize your experience with Softball Austin.
I joined Softball Austin in 2004 as a free agent, coming in with a love of softball not knowing I would develop a passion for this organization over the years. I have participated in the Open Division since 2004 and I established the women’s division in 2008. I’ve served on the board as Women’s Division liaison (before the division was created), Public Relations Coordinator, Women’s Division Commissioner, and am currently serving as our acting Commissioner for the Spring 2024 (post-resignation of the previous commissioner).
I currently coach and play in the Open Division on Los Tigres (D Division) and the Austin Angels (Women’s Division). Having played in the league since that first Recruitment Day in 2004.
What skills and knowledge are you willing to bring to our Board?
I have been a consistent and visible member of this organization for 20 years. I am here because I love softball and I love our community. If you need to know where to find something, find out how it works, or just need an honest answer to “wtf?” I am usually asked.
Professionally, I am a certified PMP (Project Management Professional). I’m a planner. I’m a builder. I’m a problem solver. Additionally, I’ve been in the digital space working on applications, database and web projects. As our organization evolves so must the technology we use. I’m pro technology and process changes for efficiency.
- Planning - Very Experienced
- Fundraising - Very Experienced
- Program planning and evaluation - Very Experienced
- Recruiting, hiring and evaluating personnel - Very Experienced
- Financial management and control (budgeting, accounting) - Very Experienced
- Communication, public and media relations - Very Experienced
- Public speaking - Very Experienced
- Information technology - Very Experienced - "I'm a nerd."
- Writing, journalism - Very Experienced - Degree in Journalism from The University of Texas at Austin
- Special events (planning and implementing) - Very Experienced
List other skills, knowledge needed by your board:
- IPS/NAGAAA & ASANA Database - Very Experienced
- USA Softball Rules- Very Experienced - "I'm a certified blue (USA Softball umpire)."
- Parliamentary Procedure - Very Experienced - ASANA Parliamentarian
- IOG/Bylaws experience - Very Experienced - ASANA IOG Committee Chair
For the items you checked as “very experienced” or “some experience,” please provide details.
- Finding a treasurer to fill the vacancy, working with him to clean up our books, and establishing the Finance Committee are some things I am extremely proud of over the last four months. It’s not glamorous but our finances and the role of treasurer are critical to our success. Learning about our 501c3 application process, understanding how our organization is setup financially, and planning/budgeting for the organization has been very valuable experience.
- Working with our NAGAAA Cup teams this Spring, preparing their rosters, and ensuring they are in compliance for the NAGAAA Cup tournament, has also been valuable experience working with different cities, IPS, teams, the database, etc. Expanding on my experience working with national and local organizations has provided greater resources for our league.
- Being a certified USA Softball umpire provides our board a solid base of not just our national organization rules but also our playing rules to help with questions and communication.
- This Spring the Women’s Division went through an ASANA rating change, and I was able to walk them through the change and explain the minimal impact in a way that was transparent and necessary to prevent panic for future world series roster submissions. Change is hard but open and transparent communication allows for changes to be easier to accept and move on.
Resume Highlights

Softball Austin Player:
- 2004-Present: Player, Coach, active participant
- 2007 NAGAAA World Series – Phoenix, AZ - Player
- 2015 NAGAAA World Series – Columbus, OH - Player
- 2018 NAGAAA World Series -Tampa, FL – Player/Coach
- 2007 ASANA World Series – Present – Player/Coach
- Inducted to the ASANA Hall of Fame in 2018
- Inducted into the Softball Austin Hall of Fame in 2019
Softball Austin Board:
2024: Acting Commissioner (appointed as successor by the board)
2021- 2024: Women’s Division Assistant Commissioner
2010-14: Public Relations Coordinator
2008-2010: Women’s Division Liaison
- Current IOG Chair
- Current Parliamentarian
- Have served on Fundraising, FATO and IOG Committees
- Inducted into the ASANA Hall of Fame in 2018
- Inducted into the Softball Austin Hall of Fame in 2019
- Beginning work with the IPS Operations Committee (committee for previous Commissioner)
I am a certified PMP and serve as a Technical Product Owner working on web applications. I have been in the IT space for over 20 years. Most recently I am tasked with complex large scale enterprise projects. However, I started out in video games and advertising, having worked on numerous games and websites. If you are interested in my professional experience, please view my LinkedIn.
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