Email: raulball84@gmail.com
Candidate Biography and Application
1. What is it about the Board position you would like to hold that most interests you in running for office?
I'm applying for the position of Public Relations and my main objective for this position would be to spread the visibility of our league to an ever changing and growing community.
I want to constantly create events and a social media presence to help drive up new membership and help grow and develop our league for the future.
2. How will you contribute to the Board as a whole if elected?
Being an approachable, visible and smiling face our membership can associate with the league and board. I'd also like to work on spreading our familiarity with our league and help build our social media presence.
3. Please list other volunteer commitments you have at this time.
I'm currently involved in a non-profit organization, The United Court of Austin, that's been a staple here in our community for almost 30 years and raises money and awareness for all our non-profit LGBTQ+ organizations. I assist with securing venues, public speaking, our social media presence, talking to the community, and driving in membership.
Summarize your experience with Softball Austin.
I've been a part of this league for 6 seasons now and started as a Beginners E level player and worked hard to develop my skill set and social presence. I've then managed to move up to the D division and was a productive asset to my team.
I'm now tackling a new challenge and love for our league and the game as a Coach/Manager. This city is my home and my love for our league only continues to grow.
What skills and knowledge are you willing to bring to our Board?
Please indicate your experience in the following areas:
- Planning - Very Experienced
- Fundraising - Very Experienced
- Program planning and evaluation - Very Experienced
- Recruiting, hiring and evaluating personnel - Very Experienced
- Financial management and control (budgeting, accounting) - Some Experience
- Communication, public and media relations - Very Experienced
- Public speaking - Very Experienced
- Information technology - Some Experience
- Writing, journalism - Very Experienced
- Special events (planning and implementing) - Very Experienced
- Other experience
- Planning and securing venues and fundraisers
- Developing relationships, current and new bonds with our supporters
- Creating a social media presence
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